5 Things: Currently Listening | Chill times

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Hello my lovelies!

I am a real music fanatic. A day doesn't go by without listening to anything. I've always loved music (and studied music for 10 years) and so it's a fundamental part of my life. My music taste is very extensive and I like lots of styles, but most of the days you could find me listening to power metal or electronic/alternative music.

Today I'm gonna focus on the music I listen when I wanna focus, get motivated or leave the world behind and just relax. At the bottom of the post you'll find a little playlist so you can listen to the songs. All these songs are basically instrumental and amazing, so keep that in mind ;)

01 - deadmau5 - Strobe
This song is one of my favorite deep focus songs. I usually play while having rainymood open and it relaxes me to a superior level. I've had this song in loop for weeks at work, and I'm still not tired of it :) As for the rest of their songs, I haven't really dig too much around, but for what I've listened to this song is the only one I like, at least to get focused.

02 - The glitch mob - Fortune days
I found out about this band a month ago at most and has quickly come to the top position of my most listened to! I absolutely love all their albums, but this song is something above, it's such an amazing composition, I've also had it on loop (yeah, I'm that kind of person XD) and it's a great focus/motivation song to listen to. I highly recommend all their albums!

03 - Ratatat - Shempi 
This is another group that I found out this year, and ever since have been loving. I love all their albums and they keep my ears satisfied and my brain happy. This song is amazing, but I repeat, all of their songs are uber amazing, relaxing if you're in the mood to relax yet focusing and motivating if that's the mood you're in.

04 - Explosions in the Sky - Your hand in mine
I found this song through a "deep focus" list on Spotify and ever since have been loving it. It's gorgeous to listen to, the harmonies are so well found, it gives me goosebumps every single time! As you can tell I really enjoy me some music. Explosions in the Sky used to make their own instrumental albums but recently have been making (awesome) soundtracks.

05 - Chrome Sparks - Marijuana
Chrome Sparks is a band I found out through one of Sammi/beautycrush's videos last year, and have been in love with them ever since. Their music is complex, inspiring and relaxing. I've used it on my bike to speed up and in bed to relax, and never fails. I highly recommend almost all of their songs (I've got a couple that I don't enjoy, but just a couple!).

I've added a couple songs more I thought you might enjoy! Let me know what you think :)

What do you listen to when you wanna relax, focus or motivate yourself?

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