Me Luna Menstrual Cup

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

So, let's talk vaginas.

A while back, about 5 years ago, I tried my first menstrual cup, a Lady Cup. Lady cup only offers two different sizes, one for prior vaginal birth and one for afterwards. But... don't you think that really is limiting to women? I mean... is there only two sizes of vagina? Of course not, the vagina is flexible and stuff, but, 2 sizes? When I got my Lady Cup I got the smaller one but it was too tall for me! I have recently found that I have a medium-low cervix and that's why that cup didn't really fit me; it was uncomfortable and a bit was always poking out. I also have a neural condition in which the nerve endings on the opening of my vagina are really, really sensible, and so for me was even more uncomfortable and even painful due to the continuous rubbing - in case you're interested, it's called vulvodynia of which I have vulvar vestibulitis, just google it folks XD.

· M E   L U N A,    M Y   S A V I O U R ·

Since the Lady Cup was ruled out for me and all the other brands only had 2 sizes too I assumed I would never be able to wear a menstrual cup! And so for the past 5 years I used tampons... But it looks like a brand thought about the fact that 2 cup sizes don't fit all!
Me Luna is the genius brand that came to that conclusion and thus have lots of combinations!

Me Luna menstrual cup packaging
- packaging with a custom starter set -

They have 2 lengths, regular and shorty, 4 sizes, S, M, L and XL, 3 firmness levels, soft, regular and sport and 4 different grip options, basic, ball, stem and ring, that makes 96 different combinations, but going down to just length and size that's already 8 different sizes, if you take into account the firmness level that's already 24 different combinations.... WHICH IS GREAT! 

Meluna menstural size and volume options and combinations with grip
- Sizing of all the Me Luna combinations via reusablemenstrualcup -

As I had trouble before with menstrual cups I just ordered a few based on what I knew: I have light periods and a medium to low cervix and strong pelvic muscles. Given that I first ordered one of each firmness, the soft is not pictured because my muscles just squished it right away. I got a soft small with ball grip, it was too long and too soft, so I gave it away, and my two shorty Smalls, both with ball grip and one in normal and another one in sport firmness, those two worked like a charm!

Me Luna Shorty in S, M and L sporty and classic
- L to R shorty S classic ball, shorty S sport ball, shorty M classic ball, shorty L sport basic -

So, once I knew that shorty was the way to go for me I tried them on my period. I have a fairly light period - maybe used 3 to 4 light tampons a day, I consider that pretty light - but for the heavier day of my period, which was day 2 or 3, I don't quite recall, I overflowed it in 5h whilst at work! it was no big deal, I went to the bathroom, cleaned up with some biodegradable intimate wipes and got it up again. But I wanted to be able to have it on for 6+ hours, at least 10, so I went back and I ordered a couple more from the shorty range.

Diameter comparison between Me Luna shorty in S, M and L
- Differences in diameter between S, M and L in the shorty range -

I got then two more shorties, a Medium in regular firmness and a Large in sport firmness as it was going to be wider and my vagina really swells up when I'm on my period, so I wanted it to be squish free! Those two worked again perfectly! I've used them both, and as I know when I get more flow I just work with that. On my latest period I basically used the M and the L and it was great, no discomfort, nothing poking out and I was basically able to forget about my period! I'm also really glad that the L I got without grip - in the shorty range you have to custom request it if you want a basic grip - because it's as long as the S with the ball grip, which works out perfectly for me, because that's all the space I can afford XD

Me Luna classic and Sport firmness difference
- Squish test between classic and sport firmness -

On the picture above you can clearly see the firmness difference between a normal one and a sport one! The sport one may require more experience to get in and out, but it's not that hard. Also, if you get a basic grip I really recommend practising and watching a few videos on how to do it without pain, as it's harder to get in and out. You may think that the grip is not that important, but it actually is!

· H O W   T O   G E T   I T   I N   A N D   R E M O V E   I T ·

There are many methods out there on how to get it in, but my favorite folds are the 7-fold and the punch-down even though in most menstrual cup leaflets recommend the c-fold. The c-fold is the very first fold I ever tried and it was painful and hard! Since I've found out about the 7 and the punch down my life has changed for the better, that's for sure. They are the easiest to work with as it's narrower.

Different menstrual cup folding methods
- Different folding methods for the cup via Bunnie's Choice -

And about the removing process Bree from Precious Star Pads has a really good video on how to effectively remove it without hurting yourself because as she states in the video it's really easy to force your urethra and that's the real painful part! You can check her video here and I'll just insert it here:

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