Life update

Friday, November 27, 2015

SO!!! Long long time no see you guys! A lot has been going on for the past few months, so here you have a little recap:

- I got really depressed through the summer, with my sprained ankle, no job, no motivation, no movement... I was pooped and sad.
- On August I finally decided to go vegan, and can't understand why I didn't do it earlier.
- On September I randomly sent my CV to Lush, thinking I wouldn't hear back, and I got a job!
- Since October I've been working at Lush, and I am OVER THE MOON. I've loved lush for SO long that, getting to work there is like a dream come true.
- This week I got a new tattoo on my arm! yay!
- I shaved my head.... yep, I did XD and it's one of the best decisions I've ever taken. It may not be the hairstyle that suits me the most, but it's so darn comfortable! I don't have to do a damn thing to it... I get to wash it every 5 days or so instead of every other day, no fuzz, no combing, no styling... it's amazing, and for now I'm enjoying it. I'm gonna grow it a bit tho to see other short hairstyles with my face.

And that's all I can think of as for now. I'll try and keep you posted! Expect some tattoo and other updates and posts soon!

See ya later, alligators!

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